In South Florida, seatbelt statistics tell a sobering story: one-third of all vehicle fatalities involve unbelted occupants. This critical safety measure can mean the difference between life and death during a car accident, making it one of the most essential yet basic vehicle safety features available.
Seatbelts serve as your primary defense in vehicle collisions by:
- Preventing ejection from the vehicle during crashes
- Securing drivers and passengers in their seats
- Reducing the risk of death by approximately 50%
Without proper seatbelt use, the force of a crash can result in occupants being thrown around inside the vehicle or ejected from it, often leading to catastrophic injuries.

Florida’s Click It or Ticket Campaign
The Click It or Ticket (CIOT) initiative combines active law enforcement with public awareness campaigns. Through this program, officers identify those who violate Florida’s traffic laws, with a particular focus on seatbelt violations. While the campaign includes issuing citations, its primary goal is saving lives through increased compliance and awareness.
The goal of Click It or Ticket isn’t issuing fines, but saving lives. In 2022, 25,420 vehicle occupants died in crashes across the U.S., with nearly half not wearing seatbelts. To reduce these fatalities, increased enforcement of seatbelt laws is essential, both day and night.
The State Safety Office backs these high-visibility enforcement efforts, supporting law enforcement agencies as they address seatbelt and child restraint laws.

Vision Zero and Safety Guidelines
South Florida’s commitment to Vision Zero places seatbelt usage at the forefront of road safety initiatives. Key objectives include:
- Reducing road fatalities through consistent seatbelt use
- Increasing public safety awareness
- Creating lasting safety habits
For maximum protection, always buckle up before starting your vehicle and ensure all passengers do the same. Parents should pay special attention to child safety restraints, ensuring they’re correctly installed and appropriate for their child’s age and size

Remember: wearing a seatbelt is more than following the law—it’s about protecting lives. Make buckling up your first action every time you enter a vehicle in South Florida. This simple habit could save your life or the lives of those you care about.
For more information about seatbelt safety and local traffic laws, contact your local Florida Department of Transportation office.